Decoding Dayton
A backyard conversation between local history enthusiasts led to the creation of a show that ran four seasons, developing a local following, attracting sponsorships from local businesses, and inspiring an award-winning spinoff.
Local History Series Highlights Untold Stories
“Every city, street, and building holds a story waiting to be told and a future waiting to be created.” That’s the gist of a backyard conversation between a former city planner and a community organizer that sparked the creation of Decoding Dayton, a series showcasing the secret histories of familiar landmarks around Dayton.
We partnered with Co-Hosts John Gower, former city planner and architect, and Jason Antonick, community organizer and banker, to create a self-funded pilot season in 2015.
Season 1, featuring three-minute episodes, was released on Facebook in 2016. The episodes had an average watch-time completion rate of 10 percent. The pilot was well received, but fans asked for longer episodes. Seasons 2 through 4, produced and aired between 2017 and 2020, featured 10-minute episodes and were hosted on a private streaming service. Watch-time completion rose to 75 percent.
Early Traction Led to Sponsorship Opportunities
Bringing a new concept to life on a limited budget was a challenge. But as the show gained traction, small businesses saw an opportunity for valuable exposure. Seasons 2 through 4 were funded by individual episode sponsorships. We filmed and produced a 15-second commercial for each sponsor and aired it before their episode at premiere watch parties and on all our online distribution channels.
An Economic Development & Recruitment Resource
The series showcases Dayton’s rich and diverse history that extends beyond the legacy of the Wright brothers and illustrates how that history is shaping a promising future for the region. Local economic development organizations have used the series when meeting with site seekers, and local employers have shared the videos with out-of-town candidates during recruitment efforts.
The success of Decoding Dayton inspired a spin-off series called Decoding Nature, which we produced in collaboration with Five Rivers MetroParks. That series won the National Association of County Park & Recreation Officials Award for marketing.
Decoding Dayton